my brother and COOLEST AND MOST AWESOME DUDE EVER!!! been friends with this guy for YEARS and hes still my no.1
we piss each other off a bunch but i still love him so much
(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶) .ᐟ.ᐟ
THE GOATTTTT someone get this geek a blog with a following so ppl acc listen to his spintrest yaps before he explodes /j
I LVOE YOU PERLA was gna put you online but ur too important for that oomfie...
anyways perla youre based asf and we need to finish that one show we're probs watching together rn ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡

zombie (wiki)
(it/him) metalhead finni/irish
misfits/CoD addict

Labyrinth - Oomph!

About Site ![]() |
!!! This site is not suitable for mobile, get a PC , loser

03/10 >> FINALLY UPDATED THE HOME PAGE a whole year later... my hiatus was longer than expected
16/11 >> updated the welcome page to fit the new theme!!
13/11 >> WOW version 3 is finally out, that took a while! lmk what you think about it !!
20/10 >> changed the embed youtube vid to one of my favourite misfits songs
20/10 >> COMPLETELY reworked the entry page
11/10 >> added sum dividers up at the top
11/10 >> added a new music player up top w sum songs that fit the site theme a bit more !!
08/10 >> repositioned/moved sum shit around
08/10 >> changed background
08/10 >> changed sum titles around
06/10 >> changed tab title
06/10 >> changed the silly pfp thing
06/10 >> changed status around
06/10 >> changed ALL list favicons
06/10 >> changed scrollbars
05/10 >> changed the footer image
05/10 >> joined sum more webrings ^_-
05/10 >> changed up the status section
05/10 >> changed some fonts
05/10 >> changed update box to an iframe
05/10 >> changed list favicons
05/10 >> SPOOKY SEASON !!!! been busy w work so I've been MIA for a while LAWL
September 2023
29/09 >> changed the size of the music player FINALLY
29/09 >> added sum cute animated rainbow text
29/09 >> changed the size of the site title !!
29/09 >> changed the rainbow highlight
28/09 >> moved the site buttons section
28/09 >> added some more personal info
28/09 >> added some text next to the player
27/09 >> updated my art and interests pages !!!
27/09 >> added a "newest art" section !!!
26/09 >> added a "zombies games" section !!!
24/09 >> changed the font for the title
23/09 >> extended the secind main container !!!
22/09 >> swapped out my old playlists for some new ones !!!
22/09 >> changed header image
22/09 >> straight up split the main container in two LOL
20/09 >> buncha new fonts -_^
20/09 >> new chatbox reactions
20/09 >> new chatbox design
20/09 >> new header
20/09 >> IM BACK !!!!!!!
15/09 >> made it so you can directly copy the code for my button FINALLY !!!!
15/09 >> added a silly dropdown list box xp
15/09 >> added sum title bars !!
15/09 >> added a cute checkbox above my contact info !!
09/09 >> added sum stuff to my about page!!
09/09 >> changed cursor !!
08/09 >> added and switched out some gifs !!
08/09 >> added some more stickers !!
08/09 >> added an imood !!
08/09 >> added a counter !!
08/09 >> made chatbox bigger !!
07/09 >> took a little of a break, but i'm back !! and i added some banners !!
02/09 >> changed all scrollbars !!
01/09 >> added a cool sites section !!
August 2023
29/08 >> OFFICIALY changed my index, old index is now archived XP (layout creds)
28/08 >> made a custom favicon !!
28/08 >> made a coolder music player !!
26/08 >> added an about page!!
25/08 >> changed text colour !!
25/08 >> changed music on the music player !!
25/08 >> added a welcome page !!
25/08 >> new cursor !!
24/08 >> new "profile pic" !!
24/08 >> changed header !!
23/08 >> changed the backround of main top + main bottom containers
20/08 >> updated interests page!!
19/08 >> new side gifs
19/08 >> new border colours
19/08 >> new header
19/08 >> new background
18/08 >> new "profile picture" !!
18/08 >> replaced gifs keke
18/08 >> new background !!
18/08 >> added a links page!!
15/08 >> added a working music player !!! autoplay gone yippee !!
14/08 >> changed titles
14/08 >> changed all borders
13/08 >> changed nav icons :3
13/08 >> changed list icons
13/08 >> *slaps hands together* bye bye ghost, theme's changin. if ya feel it's too hard on the eyes lmk in chat!!
10/08 >> changed link colour + new link hover background ;3
10/08 >> joined SO MANY NEW CLIQUES !!!
09/08 >> joined a couple webrings !!
09/08 >> joined a LOT of cliques !! (scroll down in nav to see)
08/08 >> changed status to have its own seperate box !!
07/08 >> added tiny playlist !!
06/08 >> changed background and added pokeball cursor !!
05/08 >> FINALLY put actual art on my art page !!!
July 2023
30/07 >> made a personal identity page !!
29/07 >> replaced all favicons on subpages, also changed all music
23/07 >> Started a graphics page !! (wip)
20/07 >> Added a new interests info page ! (wip)
16/07 >> Added this lil box :3
16/07 >> Added a new background and changed the mouse trail
15/07 >> Changed list favicons

To Do List
- make site BETTER
actually pick a background that looks GOODslowly start building downwards O-O- replace/add more gifs !!!
- make the page look CLUTTERED AS FUCK!(not in an unpleasant way though)
figure out how to make a working music player to slap somewhere (i'm not a huge fan of autoplay on the main page)- make more mutuals!! i need friends !!
- get a better cursor
maybe change the theme to be more pastel..make a site buttons section for my silly ppl- redesign my BORING subpages
add some blinkie/stamp/button marqueesadd sum cute boxes for various things !!
hol up
not so fast bucko.
im makin it clear rn that there is to be NO HOTLINKING on this page AT ALL.
none. null. nil. zilch. zero.
for little itty bitty witty site noobs who dont know what hotlinking is,
its basically taking an image link straight from a site without downloading it or putting it into a file hoster or smt.
this makes a whole hassle by making ur computer do a whole backtrack to the site the image is from,
which costs the original site owner.
(in this case, ME.)
even if it didnt cost anything, files go missing REAAALLYY easily this way,
so do yourself AND ME the favour and use a file hoster.
its easy asf. seriously.
just put ur files into imgur or smt so you dont cause problems for anyone.
thank yewwwww
Zombie's ID
favourite bands: MISFITS / W.A.S.P / IRON MAIDEN
favourite colours: RED
favourite animals: CAT / HYENA / DOG
favourite subjects: ART / HISTORY / ENGLISH
favourite games: UNDERTALE / CODMW2 2009
favourite foods: KÄSESPÄTZLE / CARBONARA
favourite drinks: LEMON SODA / APPLE JUICE
favourite people: MYLO / MAX / PERLA
favourite songs: ♫ / ♫ / ♫
SOUL SONG: SHE → misfits (original 7" ver)
ever had a song that you feel is just so you??
that's what soul songs are ! (disclaimer: soul songs are about the VIBE, not the lyrics)

"sick tunes!"

Zombie's Status
yo, ive been keeping a little blog recently in my notes n shit, so im gnna transfer some of the chill n nonsense ones in here, and ill probably be adding some more in the future, meow

im like totally a new guy rn, i dyed my hair and cut it, and i actually really like the style rn!! im working on myself more and im totally way more comfortable in myself now than i used to be. its like every aspect of my life is getting so much better rn. and keychains. oh god ive got so many keychains. ARGRHR I FUCKING LOVE KEYCHAINS

laughting at americans bcuz of their school costs rn
ALL books 4 us cost like 50 euros a year ALL OF THEM like bro fym you have to pay your whole goddamn life savings for a textbook youll probs never even use holy shit MOVE TO CANADA or SMT

yo i just dyed my hair black on a whim (it was brown before) and am now terefied of dying my childhood pillow black with my gross moist freshly dyed hair but hey at least it looks so fuckin awesome sauce rn
i showed my dad and he instantly said "woah you look like joan jett" ...if you dont know who joan jett is im dissapointed but its ok.
ig we do kinda look similar bcs my hairs gotten long asf recently and my dads all "boys dont have long hair" but WTVVV i like it this length. also if you really actually dont know joan jett pls listen to her she was my idol and celeb crush growing up LOLL

god i need to stop spending money.
like seriously, i just bought a whole bunch of cds and posters last week, and the second i got my next paycheck i bought a bunch of keychains and spikes.
im so totally not affording health insurance atp dude.
"Can I Use Your Code?"
yes. thats it. slash srs rn i do NOT CARE.
you could take my entire layout and i couldnt give a fuck less PLEASE feel free.
if you want to give credit it would help me out a bit to get more ppl looking at my stuff but its your choice, you dont have to lol.
(reminder these are MY rules, most other people would not like someone using their code without asking, please read other peoples rules first!)
"Can you help me with my code?"
YES if you want help with simple stuff or getting started please dm me on discord or instagram :3
warning im kinda dogshit. i will try my darndest to help you out but if cant help you myself i can provide you w resources!
stinky ozzie brit.... KIDDING I LOVE YOU #rynno1irishally
we dont talk about how we met.
THE BASED OF ALL TIME i love you ren and your cat heart handz
..........idk why youre here i do not like ur ass....